Poplar, Raku by Marguerite Goff
Silver and Beach Glass necklace by Carole Cunningham
Turquoise necklace by Debbie Aldrich
Natural edge cherry bowl by George Way
Covered in Stitches basket by Jane Hyde
Rooster Gourd by Vicki Hempel
"Calla Lilies" oil by Cathy Schoenberg
"The Seeker" by Tracy Powell
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New work by Diane Learmonth
woven scarves by Martha Tottenham
Poplar, Raku by Marguerite Goff
Poplar, Raku by Marguerite Goff
Silver and Beach Glass necklace by Carole Cunningham
Silver and Beach Glass necklace by Carole Cunningham
Turquoise necklace by Debbie Aldrich
Turquoise necklace by Debbie Aldrich
Natural edge cherry bowl by George Way
Natural edge cherry bowl by George Way
Covered in Stitches basket by Jane Hyde
Covered in Stitches basket by Jane Hyde
Rooster Gourd by Vicki Hempel
Rooster Gourd by Vicki Hempel
"Calla Lilies" oil by Cathy Schoenberg
"Calla Lilies" oil by Cathy Schoenberg
"The Seeker" by Tracy Powell
"The Seeker" by Tracy Powell
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New work by Diane Learmonth
New work by Diane Learmonth
woven scarves by Martha Tottenham
woven scarves by Martha Tottenham